
Office Staff

Patti Davis
Business Manager | Biography
Shaylee Hardman
Accounting Assistant
| Biography
License & Qualif.
Trudy Messick
Business Assistant/Lead Aide
| Biography
Mardee Merrill
School Counselor and 504 Coordinator
| Biography
Nettie Naumann
| Biography
Susi Blackhurst
Enrollment Specialist
| Biography
Rachel Black
Office Manager
| Biography

world languages

Enter Lottery Returning Families

Office Staff

Patti Davis
Business Manager | Biography
Shaylee Hardman
Accounting Assistant
| Biography
License & Qualif.
Trudy Messick
Business Assistant/Lead Aide
| Biography
Mardee Merrill
School Counselor and 504 Coordinator
| Biography
Nettie Naumann
| Biography
Susi Blackhurst
Enrollment Specialist
| Biography
Rachel Black
Office Manager
| Biography



world languages

Enter Lottery Returning Families